Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Jay-z Stalker on Dr Phil

I remember a while back looking for some Beyonce news and ran across a website that had news about a woman who stated Jay-z was "cheating on Beyonce" with her. I bypassed it because that's not the kind of stuff I like to post to my blog. This morning I was looking for more Beyonce news and ran across a site with news about a woman named Katrina who stated she emailed a gossip site and lied about being involved with Jay-Z, and admitted that she was a stalker. The site referred to her appearance on the Dr.phil show, so I had to check it out to see if it was credible, and it was. Check out the story on DrPhil.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! That is SCARY! What a psychopath!