Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Only 10,000 Steps A Day Will Help You Lose Weight

Only 10,000 Steps A Day Will Help You Lose Weight
By Joey Dweck

Experts have discovered that walking 10,000 steps a day can help you drop those unwanted pounds faster than just about any other method of weight loss. Walking will also help you keep the weight off for a longer period of time because it builds your muscles while keeping your heart at a fat-burning rate.

Because it can seem to be a daunting task to walk 10,000 steps, it is important that you develop a strategy for meeting your daily quota. Here are three simple methods to help you reach your goals without losing focus:

Use a Pedometer

Using a pedometer can help you easily keep track of the distance you have covered throughout your day as well as the number of steps that you have taken. A pedometer is a small box-shaped calculator that you can clip to your belt or pants pocket in the same way you would wear a beeper.

When placed firmly near the hip, the pedometer accurately registers each step that you take. For individuals wishing to meet their new daily quota of 10,000 steps, the pedometer is the easiest, more carefree method to reach the goal.

When shopping for a pedometer, make sure that you select a model that has both distance and well as individual step readings. You will begin to learn how many steps go into one mile. You will also be surprised by how many steps you can add to your daily count by changing small habits, such as choosing the stairs over the elevator or walking to your colleague’s desk rather than sending an email.

Calculate the Time it Takes

Using either you pedometer or a counting method, calculate the approximate time it takes for you to traverse a specific distance, such as a mile. Calculate this number several times on several different days and average the figures together. You will then be able to determine approximately how long it will take you to walk a portion of your steps if you choose to spend a set amount of time walking them off.

For example, if you know that you can walk all 10,000 steps in an hour, then you can elect to dedicate an hour everyday to walking your steps. However, if you cannot dedicate a full hour, then you can add up increments of ten minutes at a time until you reach your goal. Having a clear understanding of just what it takes to reach your goal will help you to approach the task much more strategically than if you did not have a plan. Do the calculations to save time and assure that you reach your 10,000 steps.

Measure a Route

Measure a route based on the time and distance it takes you to walk your 10,000 steps. Having a pre-planned route will help you to view the task of walking 10,000 in a more manageable light. You will be able to measure your progress along your day and have a system for achieving your goals.

Because taking the same path everyday may become tedious, plan two or three routes. Plan a long route for days when you have a plethora of energy, a short route for days when you are tired, and a mid-length route for days when you are energized but busy. Giving yourself plenty of options is important to helping you stay positive so that you can achieve your goal.

About the Author: Joey Dweck is the Founder & CEO of http://WeightLossBuddy.com a community committed to 24/7 support, expert advice, and helping people find a buddy(s) who will support their effort to lose weight, and live a healthier lifestyle. And it's all Free. Sign up for the Free, award winning, 12-Part E-Course “Losing For Good” http://www.weightlossbuddy.com

Source: www.isnare.com

What Is Your Weight Loss Motivation Level?

What Is Your Weight Loss Motivation Level?
By Lana Hampton

Have you ever wondered why there are so many diets out there on the marketplace these days? With new diets popping up on the Internet and in health and wellness journals all of the time, the phrase ‘yo-yo dieting’ says it all. If the South Beach Diet doesn’t work, there is always the Beverly Hills Diet, or the Cabbage Soup Diet…or…the list seems endless! If you are a serial dieter then you literally have no end to the options you can pick and choose from.

What you really need to know though, is that it is not the diet that controls the weight loss, it is the person behind the diet. If you have not yet come to understand what, if any, importance food weighs in your life, and you are bouncing from one diet plan to the next diet pill, to the next gym membership then you need to realize that it isn’t the diet that is failing you, but rather it is you failing the diet.

So what are some of the key things you can do to stay on track for a healthy lifestyle that involves a long term weight loss plan? Try these options:

1. Don’t follow a diet plan, but instead count your calories - You can buy a calorie chart at any bookstore and keep track for yourself how many calories you are consuming daily.

2. Stay away from fatty fast foods - Fast food restaurants may be fast and easy, but they serve up high calorie food that isn’t nutritious in the long run.

3. Make water your best friend - Water is an essential part of life. Everyone needs water because it helps to lubricate our joints. There are minerals in water that our body needs and our metabolism needs water in order to help us break down the protein in our body to supply energy. A person needs to drink at least 2 liters of water daily!

4. Stay away from alcohol - Alcohol dehydrates you. If you want some proof, remember your last hangover? After you came away with the sluggish, headachy feeling, were you craving a big glass of water?

5. Don’t skip meals - People mistakenly believe that if they skip meals they will lose weight? Skipping meals will just make your hungrier in the long-run and you will eat MORE food.

6. Stay active - Discipline yourself to be physically active. Don’t overdo it (and check with your doctor first). Create a program that you can work with. Set realistic goals and look around your environment for ways that will increase your physical activity without interrupting your day. Take advantage of any stairs you might have at home or in the office. Don’t take the elevator or escalator, take the stairs!

7. Gather support - Talk to your family members and loved ones. Involve them in your new healthy lifestyle. Plan family outings where there is a good amount of walking. Plan vacations with activities in mind that will involve the entire family. The commitment to lose weight is within yourself.

Strengthen your resolve and keep your goals small and attainable.

About the Author: Lana Hampton is the publisher of "177 Fast Weight Loss Tips" (http://www.177FastWeightLossTips.com). Visit http://WeightLossFantasy.com to subscribe to her free newsletter and receive a copy of Lana's "Confessions of a Weight Loss Expert" report.

Source: www.isnare.com

Does Your Weight Loss Plan Cause Food Cravings?

Does Your Weight Loss Plan Cause Food Cravings?
By Lana Hampton

For your weight loss plan to be a weight loss success, it’s absolutely critical that you understand the difference between weight loss fad diets and safe, effective weight loss routines that produce long-lasting weight loss results.

There are all sorts of weight loss programs out there that can help you lose weight (not necessarily fat), but they are so miserable that it's impossible to stay on them very long - even more difficult is keeping the weight loss results you achieved.

The four characteristics for successful weight loss are:

1. The weight loss plan must avoid cravings

2. The weight loss plan must avoid hunger

3. The weight loss plan must include increasing your activity level

4. It must be a weight loss plan you can live with for a lifetime

What are cravings? A craving is when your body pushes you to want a particular food ingredient. This can occur even when you are not hungry. When you finally give in and get the food, you almost always binge, that is, eat more than you would have if you did not have the cravings in the first place. For the most part, you body is probably asking for water, but out of bad habit you might turn to fatty fast foods to fill the gap.

What causes cravings? Your body needs 6 essential food ingredients to function properly. They are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins and water. If you deprive your body of any of these, it will create the sensation that will drive you to get it. The most easily identified example is when you deprive your body of water. You develop thirst. Thirst is the body's craving for water. Don’t turn to fast food, when all your body is asking for is a big glass or two of fresh cool water. Better still, don’t turn to a fad diet that restricts you to eating one or two items only. This will only heighten your body's need for other foods.

Weight loss plans that tell you to cut out particular foods will always lead to cravings. It is this battle in your body to give it what it needs that creates conditions of discomfort and lead to most individuals ending the weight loss programs. There is an area of the brain that controls what and how much you eat. It is also responsible for creating cravings as a way for you to provide the body what it needs.

So, what is the best way to avoid cravings? First and foremost, the best way to avoid cravings is by eating all the required food ingredients. The key is that in all of the food groups, there are "good" types and "not so good" types of foods. You need to know the good types and eat only those. For example, with carbohydrates, good types (in general) are the ones with a low glycemic index (GI). GI is a measure of how fast a food increases the production of insulin. Insulin causes fat buildup. Whole grains and vegetables have low GIs and therefore are good for weight loss.

By understanding the weight loss concept of eating all of the essential foods and dividing them into "good" and "not so good" foods, you will avoid cravings and overeating.

About the Author: Lana Hampton is the publisher of "177 Fast Weight Loss Tips" (http://www.177FastWeightLossTips.com). Visit http://WeightLossFantasy.com to subscribe to her free newsletter and receive a copy of Lana's "Confessions of a Weight Loss Expert" report.

Source: www.isnare.com

Monday, June 26, 2006

Beyonce's Deja-Vu Video Set to be out in 2 Weeks

Stay tuned for Beyonce's new Video for Deja-Vu featuring Jay-Z. It's said to be the summer anthem. It is definitely a hot song, and you know Beyonce is going to have a great concept for the video.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My Virtual Model(TM) at nutrisystem.com

Body Like Beyonce has sent you a My Virtual Model™ message! Check out your friend's model and reply by creating a virtual model of your own.

Come and see what's waiting for you at the following address:
(Click on this link to retrieve your message or copy and paste it into your browser window.)

Body Like Beyonce's message will be available for the next 20 days. Go and get it before it disappears into cyberspace!

Friday, June 16, 2006

How Many Calories Do I Need to Consume to Lose Weight?

This is a popular question. That's why I have created a new blog to answer that question, and to get you started on the right path to losing weight. Check it out ;-)

Click here

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Using Calories For Weight Loss

Using Calories For Weight Loss

By Gary Matthews

Ever wondered what a calorie is? The definition of a calorie is "the amount of energy, or heat it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water to1 degree Celsius".

A calorie is a unit of energy that is associated with food and drink and is a measure of the energy, or heat, that food produces as your body uses it as fuel.

The first step in counting calories for your personal weight loss is to calculate how many calories you burn in a day (your total daily energy expenditure), this is the total number of calories that your body expends in 24 hours, including all activities.

This is known as your maintenance level and will be the reference point (number of calories) from which to start your dieting.

The average calorie maintenance level for women in the United States is approx 2000 per day and the average for men is approx 2500 per day. These are only basic averages and are usually much higher for athletes or active individuals.

A quick and easy method to find out how many calories you require per day for weight loss and maintenance is to calculate a calorie value with a multiplier as set out below.

Fat loss = multiply your bodyweight in pounds with 12 calories (12 x lb).

Maintenance = multiply your bodyweight in pounds with 15 calories (15 x lb).

This is a very easy method to estimate your daily caloric requirements, but it has its drawbacks as it doesn't take into account your particular activity levels or body fat levels. Despite this it will give you a good estimated figure that you can work with.

The maintenance figure that you get is the amount of calories that you need to consume to stay at your current weight. To lose weight your calorie intake must be lower than the calories you burn.

In order to lose one pound of fat per week, you must reduce your weekly calorie intake by 3,500 calories, which works out at five hundred calories per day. This can be done by reducing your calories by 500 or combining a diet with physical activity.

The bottom line is to balance your caloric intake with the amount of calories that you are burning, that's the secret to successful dieting and weight maintenance.

Becoming more conscious of counting calories in your everyday eating regime is imperative if you are trying to lose weight. Studies have shown that men and women "underestimate" their daily calorie consumption by 500 to almost 1000 calories.

You can get a truer picture by keeping a seven-day eating plan of what you typically eat and drink during the day.

At the end of each days eating, add up the total amount of calories consumed and write them down on to the eating plan. At the end of the seven days, add the total calories for the whole week and then divide by seven, you now have your daily calorie intake.

Using a calorie calculator can make counting calories easier - you can total how many calories you will need for your daily activities to give you more control over how many calories you should include in your daily diet.

Another technique for low calorie eating is to watch your fat intake as this has the most calories.

Moderation is always important when you are counting calories, severely restricting calories, causes the body to lower its metabolic rate, which reduces its ability to burn fat.

At the same time, hunger signals increase and you quickly start to crave high-energy foods loaded with fats and sugar, the same foods you are trying to do without.

This is because when you return to normal eating habits, the drop in metabolic rate caused by the restriction in calories means that your old eating habits actually represent excess in calories.

Not only do you regain the fat stores just lost, but also you may even gain a bit extra.

"Dieting by counting calories means that all foods are allowed, nothing is forbidden as long as the calories consumed don't go over your daily calorie allowance"

Counting calories can also be flexible enough to accommodate most busy lifestyles.

Some food for thought isn't it; health professionals agree that healthy eating which includes counting calories and a low fat diet are essential for long-term healthy weight loss.

The way to lose body fat and maintain muscle is to have a food program for life. Quality food and more energy output are the basics you'll need to go for.

About the Author: Gary Matthews is the author of the popular fitness eBooks Maximum Weight Loss and Maximum Weight Gain. Please visit http://www.maximumfitness.com right now for your 'free' weight loss e-course.

Source: www.isnare.com

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Burn More Calories With Your Treadmill: 3 Easy Tips

Burn More Calories With Your Treadmill: 3 Easy Tips
By Kathryn ONeill

Treadmills are the number one exercise machines both for ease of use and for calories burned.

According to a study done by the Medical College of Wisconsin and the VA Medical Center in Milwaukee, calories burned on the treadmill for 60 minutes averaged 865 - 705. This beat out the stair machine, rowing machine, stationary cycle or even cross country ski machine.

But how do you get the MOST calorie bang for your buck? How do you superboost that calorie burn, especially if you don't have a lot of time to work out?

I asked this question of several personal trainers that write for our website and here's what they came up with.

These 3 easy tips will boost your calorie burn while on your treadmill AND possibly even after your workout!

#1) Walk Uphill

By using your treadmill incline, you are forcing the larger groups of muscles to work, thus burning more calories. You can often double or even triple the amount of calories you normally burn by walking on an incline.

Don't want to walk on an incline for 20 minutes straight?

Another way to double your calorie burning power is by doing incline intervals: walking on a steep incline for 1 - 2 minutes, then walking on a normal incline for 5 minutes (while you catch your breath) and then repeating.

Incline intervals are a powerful way to challenge your body: you don't allow your body to get used to the same workout routine and the same repetitive muscle motion. So the number of calories burned rises and STAYS high - even after your workout.

#2) Don’t Grip the Handrails

If you’ve been to many gyms, you’ve probably seen your fair share of people grasping onto the front or side handrails as they walk.

While it’s fine to touch them for balance, you shouldn't have to hold on. That actually burns less calories since your legs aren't doing the work by themselves - they're getting help from the treadmill frame.

Instead of holding on to the handrails, try lowering your intensity until you don't need to hold onto the handrails for support. Then, to build more calorie burning power into your workout swing your arms or carry 2 pound handweights to get an overall body workout. Overall, you'll be burning more calories this way than holding onto the handrails for support.

#3) Build in Speed Intervals

Just like incline intervals, this challenges your body to not only work harder while on your treadmill, but the higher calorie burn will continue after your workout.

Walk (or run) at your normal pace for 3 minutes and then do 30 -60 seconds at a faster pace (so that you're breathing heavily by the end of the interval). Then slow it down to your usual pace again for another 3 minutes.

You'll definitely feel the difference after your workout!

(Of course never push yourself so hard that you feel pain. If you ever do feel pain, slow your pace down right away and talk to a medical professional)

So there are 3 tips to help you burn more calories on your treadmill and keep your calorie burn high post workout. It's recommended that before starting any exercise program, you should consult your doctor. Remember that everyone is different. Don't compare yourself to anyone else but instead listen to your body and do what you can.

Before you know it, you'll have reached your fitness and weight loss goals!

Kathryn O'Neill is chief editor for Home Treadmill Reviews, a consumer oriented website focusing on the home treadmill market.

For the latest buying tips, brand reviews, and best buys, visit Treadmill Review at: http://www.treadmillreview.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathryn_ONeill

Effective Cardio Workouts in Only 20 Minutes

Effective Cardio Workouts in Only 20 Minutes
By Ryan Cote

The perfect workout routine is one that combines strength training and some form of cardio. The problem is, most people hate doing cardio and will make up any excuse not to do it. A popular excuse is not having enough time. This article, however, will show you how you can spend only 20 minutes on a cardio workout and still reap the benefits.

So first of all, why is it necessary that you add cardio to your workouts? Most people understand the benefits of strength training because it adds muscle and muscle makes you healthier, more lean and stronger overall.

But what are the benefits of cardio? Here is a short list that names just a few:

- it helps reduce stress

- it burns calories which leads to weight loss

- it makes your heart and lungs stronger

- it reduces your risk of certain diseases

- it reduces depression and increases confidence

- it gives you more energy and helps you sleep better

To sum it up, adding cardio to your workout improves your health and well-being which leads to a better quality of life. Combine this with strength training and you're on your way to feeling great, fast.

So how can you reap the benefits of cardio in only 20 minutes per workout? It's called Interval Training and it can be applied to many different forms of cardio including boxing, running and biking.

The concept in a nutshell is shorter workouts, but higher intensity. This is accomplished by pushing hard for say two minutes and then slowing down for two minutes. If you repeat this cycle four more times then you have your 20 minutes. You could also do one minute hard, one minute easy and then repeat this nine more times.

Here is an example:

Interval training is perfect for running. If you're working out on a treadmill or running outdoors, it's the same routine. Start out with a warm up jog followed by two minutes of a challenging pace. This won't be your all out because you have to maintain it for two minutes, but a pace that will be very hard for you. You then follow this with two minutes of either a walk or a very slow jog. Repeat four more times and you've got yourself an effective cardio workout in only 20 minutes.

This concept can be applied to many different forms of cardio: two minutes hard, two minutes easy, repeat four more times. Or one minute hard, one minute easy, repeat nine more times.

You'll get your blood flowing, your heart pumping and reap all the benefits cardio has to offer...all in only 20 minutes.

Ryan Cote is the owner of http://www.SimpleHealth123.com, a health and wellness website providing healthy aging products and free resources. Come visit and sign up for his free e-mail course, 4 Days to Better Health.

Ryan Cote is also the owner of Get Healthy! The Anti-Aging Report found at http://www.GetHealthyReport.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_Cote

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Beyonce's Deja-Vu Featuring Jay-Z

Listen to this hot track by Beyonce Knowles, featuring Jay-Z. Check it out at Dont-Cha.blogspot.com

How Did Janet Jackson Lose All That Weight?

Janet lost 60 lbs in four months with a diet to your door service call FreshDining. The program alotted her less than 1500 a day. She also worked out with her personal trainer. Check out her before and after photo's above. She really did her thing to get that weight off. Congratulations Janet!!

source: SingersRoom.com

A Smaller Waist Can Be Yours

A Smaller Waist Can Be Yours
By Rebecca Kordecki

The Holidays have come and gone, there has been much celebration, quality time spent with families and lots of memorable moments. As we roll into another year filled with hope and determination and a fresh list of New Years goals in our sights, ninety percent of us probably included a goal regarding health and exercise.

Which area do you suppose it is? What is the one area on the body that by making another area larger it looks smaller? Okay I’ll tell you…the waist. By increasing the size of your shoulders and back you can create the illusion of having a smaller waist. Now granted this is fantastic if you are a bodybuilder and don’t mind your latisimus dorsi (back muscles down the sides of your body) looking like Bruce Lee’s. Men may not have an issue with that idea but most women aren’t going for that look. While lifting weights specifically for your back and shoulder muscles will help to give the illusion of a smaller waist, in this article I will address other ways to achieve the goal of reducing your midsection.

The first step is to make peace with the body type and waist size you were born with and then take the appropriate steps towards shaping up what you have. Your waist size is essentially predetermined by your ribs and hip bone skeletal structure while the rest of your waist size is a result of how much fatty tissue surrounds the area. No one likes to hear that you must lose the fat to gain the prize because we all know it means things in our lives have to change.

How many of us happily gravitate towards change? Yes, it’s true…change is hard, but without change, things, including your waist measurement, will stay the same. The reality is that the body has a mind of its own when left undisciplined. But with a bit of discipline and some old fashioned hard work you can become the master of your body. A smaller, tighter midsection and stronger core are all within your reach if you are ready to do what it takes. Before I discuss what you must do to reduce your waist size let’s dispel some misconceptions that exist regarding this topic.

#1 Breathing exercises will shrink your waist

While it is true that breathing and diagrammatic exercises will tighten your tummy they will not reduce the body fat that expanded your tummy to begin with.

#2 Electronic Abdominal Exercise Belts will give you a six pack

These belts do nothing more than reduce the size of your wallet. Fortunately, most of the companies that lied in their claims on TV infomercials are now being sued in a class action suit for their false claims.

#3 Hundreds of crunches a day will give you a smaller waist

As a competitive fitness model, if this were true I should have the smallest waist on the planet. Unfortunately, I do not. I was born with wide hips and thus the size of my waist is proportionate to that fact. No matter how many crunches or leg lifts you do you cannot crunch your way to a tiny midsection. The fat around the waist needs to be shed before you will ever see the results of all those crunches.

Now that we know what doesn’t work for obtaining a smaller waist, let’s get to what does work.

Choose A Goal

First you must choose your goal. I will always sing the praises of goal setting. Why? Because it really does work. Okay, now that you’ve chosen a goal, write it down! Remember, seeing it in front of you each day in black and white makes all the difference. Do you want to lost five pounds overall? Do you want to just get a smaller waist so your pants aren’t so tight? Do you want a smaller waist but also a stronger core (abdominal and back strength as a unit)? What’s your goal? Whatever it is, choose it now.

Every goal in life usually takes hard work to get it and this is no different. If it were easy, America wouldn’t have the obesity epidemic it has and everyone would have a waist the size of Pamela Anderson or Cher (and no I don’t believe the rumor that she had a rib removed to reduce her waist size). So if you’re ready to commit to the work here are some action steps to help you achieve a smaller waist.


The most important thing is not to skip meals so that when you finally eat you eat large unbalanced meals. Ideally, you should graze throughout the day. Small but frequent meals are one of the keys to a smaller waist. If you continuously train your stomach to expand with large meals, eventually it will permanently extend to accommodate this eating pattern. Small meals throughout the day (3 to 4 with a snack in between) will keep you satiated and your stomach won’t have to keep expanding to allow room for the overabundance of food.

Also, eat slowly. Chew your food as this will aid in the digestion process. The slower you eat the sooner the brain will be able to register when you are full. You must allow time for this to occur. We tend to overeat when we eat in a rush. Try to make meal times relaxed. Be sure to eat a diet full of vegetables, grains, lean proteins and some good fats.

One last great tip, eat your last meal 2 to 3 hours before bedtime. This will give your body time to begin the digestion process before you lay down for bed and all your bodily functions begin to slow down. This simple habit will truly make a difference.


Probably the most important element on this mission to a smaller waist is that you begin to include exercise, cardiovascular as well as weight training, to your daily routine. If you want a great beginner’s weight training routine, refer to our last issue of this magazine in my column or go online and look under “exercise programs for beginners” or whatever level you may be at.

Obviously, if you are carrying excess body fat around your waist the only way to make your waist smaller is by losing that fat. You must begin an exercise routine right away. Additionally, cardiovascular exercise needs to become your friend. Whether it is, walking at a brisk pace, jogging, biking, tennis, hiking, whatever it is, you need at least three days a week for thirty to sixty minutes a day to make a dent in the fat loss goal. Please be rigorous and ask yourself these questions as you do this cardio exercise. Are you working up a sweat? Are you feeling challenged? Are your glad when it’s over? If you answered yes to these three questions, chances are your doing the cardio work at an appropriate level to encourage fat loss and changes in your body. Otherwise, why bother. Don’t just go through the motions, do the work and the results will be yours!

Area Specific Exercises

I know in the beginning of this article I said all the crunches in the world wouldn’t give you a smaller waist but once the excess fat is gone from your midsection, yes, abdominal exercises and core strengthening moves will give you the finishing touch to a tighter and smaller waist. I will describe three excellent exercises for working the midsection and core strength. Of course there are many others, but start with these and add others as you progress. Include these exercises 2-3 times per week with your new fitness program.

Basic Crunch (front abdominals)

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Gently clasp your hands behind your head. Never pull on your neck. Slowly, curl up bringing your shoulders off the floor about 6-10 inches. Consciously tighten your midsection as you lift. Be sure to exhale as you curl up. Slowly lower. Repeat 15-20 times. Do three sets.

Twisting Crunches (side abdominals)

Begin in the same position as the basic crunch but this time bring your knees up, feet off the floor. With your hands clasped behind your head twist your upper body so your right elbow meets your left knee. Squeeze, then return to starting position. Now twist your body so that your left elbow meets your right knee. Squeeze and return to starting position. Repeat 10-15 times on each side. Do three sets.

Plank (core strength)

Lie face down on the floor. Place your hands and wrists directly under your shoulders. Press your toes into the floor. Firmly with total body strength, press up until your arms are locked out straight and your body is in a nearly straight line (as if you’re about to do a push up). This is the movement. Simply hold this position for 15 seconds to start with. Then slowly lower down to the floor. Repeat three times. Work up to 30 second holds. This movement is an excellent core strengthener and will tighten many muscles if done regularly.

Follow the above suggestions and you should be well on your way to obtaining the waist size you desire, providing it’s a realistic goal. Remember, there is no magic pill to any health and fitness desire. The only way to get there is through hard work, commitment and discipline. There is truly no better feeling than reaching your goal and knowing you did whatever it took to get there. So go for it…start today!

Rebecca Kordecki is available for fitness coaching/consultations and speaking engagements. Please visit http://www.rebeccakordecki.com for more information.

Rebecca Kordecki, owner of Mobile Fitness & Massage, has enjoyed a very full career as a personal trainer, massage therapist and spokesperson for the past 13 years shaping up some of Hollywood’s finest. Her client roster has included such celebrities as Raquel Welch, Hunter Tylo (“The Bold and The Beautiful”), Scott Wolf (Party of Five), Tom Arnold, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Oliver Stone, Jim Belushi, Erika Eleniak, Elijah Wood and Kevin Bright (Executive Producer of “Friends” and “Joey”). Additionally, she has been a highly sought after massage therapist in Hollywood known for her “strong, yet healing hands”. Rebecca’s company Mobile Fitness & Massage provides a full range of personal training/diet coaching/meal planning/massage therapy services as well as motivational speaking and fitness consulting. Rebecca’s company recently expanded to include bi-coastal service. Beginning in 2006, Rebecca began offering her services in Manhattan and Southampton. To contact Rebecca and learn more about her services visit

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rebecca_Kordecki

Insider Secrets That Keep Women From Losing Fat and Inches

Insider Secrets That Keep Women From Losing Fat and Inches
By Heather Picken

When it comes to losing fat many women have are making huge mistakes and as a result they are not getting the results they want.

1. Doing the same exercise routine

Women who do the same workout over and over without changing it will notice after awhile it stops producing results and they immediately become frustrated!
To start burning fat again change your routine around (the sequence in which you perform you exercises).

2. Doing too much cardio

I find a lot of women do too much cardio and never get the results they want! One of the reasons is that doing too much and not eating enough will slow down your metabolism.

3. Not doing a fat-burning workout

Most women who don’t see results as fast as they want to are not working out with enough intensity! You don’t need to spend hours in the gym to blast fat. Focus on intensity to where you are breathing heavy and sweating. Women who participate in a boot camp program or circuit training can easily accomplish this type of workout.

4. Doing cardio the wrong way

Reading magazines or talking on the phone when doing cardio,
it becomes a “social hour” and if you are looking to burn more fat you need to work a little harder so that holding a conversation is challenging.

5. Not doing any resistance training

Most women will focus on only cardio and are either afraid to lift weights or don’t realize the incredible fat-burning benefits. Your metabolism is elevated throughout the day when you weight train. Whereas with cardio it only stays elevated when you are doing it and only a few hours after that.

6. Lifting too light

Lifting light and lots of reps is not going to help you burn more fat, it is the intensity of the load(with the weights) that you are lifting. Don’t be afraid to challenge your muscles, it will only help you burn more fat!

7. Having the wrong workout for your body type

If you want to create a more pleasing look to sculpt your body then you need to focus on training that body part.
For example if you have a weak upper body and it does not match the rest of your body, then your workouts should focus more on that part first!

8. Not doing cardio at the right times

Most women do cardio before weight training, which is not the most effective way to burn fat.
The best way to burn more fat is to do your resistance training first then immediately follow cardio. This enables your body to burn more fat efficiently since it has burned off your glycogen(stored energy), plus you will have more energy to lift weights!

(c) 2006 I Feel Like A Million Bucks! TM, LLC

Heather Picken,ISSA/P.C.P.T. is a women's body & motivational coach, specifically for women over 30. She teaches women how they can easily re-set their metabolisms all across the country with her fat-burning system (http://www.mybodyisfitnow.com).
She is also the author of "Fat-Burning Recipes for Women on The Go". Sign up to get a free weekly subscription to "Fat-Burning Secrets for The Busy Woman" by visting (http://www.feelinglikeamillion.com)

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Heather_Picken

Monday, June 12, 2006

Workouts That Travel

Workouts That Travel
By Lynn Bode

A vacation can do wonders for reducing stress levels, but it can derail a healthy fitness regimen. Even some of the most die-hard exercisers find it difficult to stick with a workout program when away from home. Sure, many have good intentions. They may even pack their workout attire. Unfortunately, their gear never makes it out of the suitcase until they’re back home.

But travel from home doesn’t have to result in an interruption or complete abandonment of your healthy habits. You can still fit in exercise time when away from home, regardless of whether you find yourself in a warm or a cold climate. Even if bad weather forces you into seclusion in your hotel room, there are exercises you can complete without a single piece of equipment.

Below are some tips to help you stay fit while traveling and avoid coming home with unwanted extra baggage.

  • Be realistic. You probably won't be able to fit in your normal weekly workouts and that's okay. Shoot for completing at least 50% of your normal regimen.

  • Plan ahead. Before leaving town, find out what type of workout facilities your accommodations will have or if there is a nearby park of jogging track (weather permitting, of course).

  • Scope out local gyms. If you are staying somewhere that doesn’t provide a workout area then inquire at the nearby local fitness centers for their rates. Often they offer day passes for minimal fees.

  • Pack a resistance band in your suitcase. The band takes up very little space, yet can provide you with an entire upper and lower body workout routine.

  • Don’t deprive yourself of all local delicacies. You can enjoy some special meals without going overboard. Ask the restaurants to prepare your favorite dishes with a few lower fat ingredients.

  • Be creative. Find unique, fun ways to exercise instead of doing the same routine you do when you are at home. Try biking, hiking, a pedal boat excursion, water-skiing, beach volleyball, etc. Effective workouts aren’t limited to the standard fares of walking, jogging and fitness machines.

  • Try out your travel routine at least once at home. A new workout that you’ve never done before will require more time and preparation. This type of frustration just makes for an easy excuse to skip the workout.

  • Prepare snacks. If your journey includes a lot of time in the car, be sure to pack some healthy snacks so you aren’t forced to eat at all the fast food and convenience shops along the way.

  • Play in the pool. If lounging poolside is part of your vacation plans, then hop in the pool every 20 minutes for 5-10 minutes of pool walking (try it in waist-deep or higher water for a really challenging workout).

  • Get comfortable. Don’t forget to pack comfortable workout attire that fits your destination’s climate.

Here is a quick, simple circuit workout that only requires a resistance band and can be done anywhere. Complete at least one set of 8-12 reps of each exercise.

  • Bicep Curl

  • Tricep Dip

  • Lat Pull Down

  • Front Raise

  • Push-Up

  • Squat

  • Abductor lifts

  • Adductor splits

  • Hamstring Kicks

For detailed instructions for each of the above exercises, visit http://www.workoutsforyou.com/travel_plan.htm

About The Author

Lynn is a certified personal trainer and founder of WorkoutsForYou.com. Don't return home with extra baggage. We can custom design a workout for you that will help you stay fit while away from home. You don't even need any fitness equipment! We’ll help you stay fit while still fully enjoying your trip. Visit http://www.workoutsforyou.com/travel_plan.htm for more info.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lynn_Bode

Wednesday, June 07, 2006







Beyoncé's Eagerly Awaited New Solo Album, "B'Day,"

Coming In September

Who: Music World Music/Sony Urban Music/Columbia Records superstar Beyoncé

What: Open auditions for an all-female band for Beyoncé's upcoming tour

Where: Various locations nationwide

When: Monday, June 12, 2006, Noon to 9 P.M.

.. .. .. .. ..

(dateline - New York - June 7, 2006; source: Music World Music/Sony Urban Music/Columbia Records)

Superstar Beyoncé Knowles has announced her search for an all-female band. The musicians chosen will become the artist's touring ensemble in support of her second solo album, "B'Day," slated for September release.

Auditions will be held before Beyoncé's creative team and the superstar will make the final selections.

Musicians should be at least 18 years and older and prepared to play Beyoncé's hit song, "Work It Out," as performed on the "Beyoncé: Live At Wembley" DVD.

Positions to be filled include drums, keys, bass, guitar, horns (alto, tenor, sax, trumpet) and percussion.

In addition to having a "look," musicians auditioning for Beyoncé's touring ensemble must be able to play by ear (reading music is optional).

Musicians auditioning must be able to play one minute (minimum) solo.

Musicians must bring a headshot and resume to the audition.

Finalists chosen at local auditions must be available to fly to New York to perform a final audition for Beyoncé and her creative team the week of June 12 and must be available to begin working on the road by June 20.

The locations for the open auditions follow:

New York/New Jersey Area:


1806 Park Ave

Weehawken, NJ. 07086



Southeast/Atlanta Area:

Crossover Entertainment Studios

1310 Ellsworth Industrial Blvd

Atlanta, GA. 30318



Southern California/Los Angeles Area:

Center Staging

3407 Winona Ave.

Burbank, CA. 91504




Midwest/Chicago Area:

Pressure Point Recording Studios

2239 South Michigan Ave.

Chicago, IL. 60616



West/Houston Area:

VT2 Studios

2401 West Bellfort

Houston, TX 77054

p 713.877.1877


Beyonce Knowles to Star in Biography of "Cat Woman's" LIfe

Singer/actress great EARTHA KITT has given her seal of approval to R&B beauty BEYONCE KNOWLES to star in a biography on her life.

Source: SingersRoom.com

Monday, June 05, 2006

From 181 lbs to 165 lbs and Still Counting~~Want To Know How I'm doing It?

Start Weight 181 lbs

Current Weight 165 lbs

It's very simple. I use the online food journal on Fitday.com. There, I record EVERYTHING that I eat. It helps me to monitor my caloric as well as my nutrient intake, and it helps me to notice trends in my eating pattern and make adjustments in my diet should things go awry. I also do Tae Bo, the fat blasting cardio series, and I have a cheat day once a week. Don't get me wrong, I have had some setbacks during the course of my weight loss. like for instance, the Saturday before Memorial Day, I pigged out on some chocolate chip cookies, among other things. And then there was a time when my weight stayed the same for 2 weeks. I didn't give up though. I kept doing my thing and the weight is still coming off. I started my little program around the last part of March at 181 lbs, and here I am today, 16 lbs lighter. I feel good, and my clothes are fitting more loose. My goal weight at this point is 150 lbs, but Im considering 140 depending How I look at 150. I plan to have some professional pictures made after I get down to size. I'll be sure to post them here. If you would like to join a group of like minded females who are trying to lose weight, then join my group on Myspace.com.

Exercise Videos - 10 Reasons They Work for You

Exercise Videos - 10 Reasons They Work for You
By Kathy Ferneau

Exercise videos are an easy and inexpensive way to establish a structured exercise program.

Ever since the days of Jack LaLanne's black and white calisthenics, people have been working out in front of their TV sets. It worked in the 1950s, and it still works today.

Jane Fonda sparked a resurgence of exercise videos in the 1980s with her workout programs. Following her lead, vast numbers of fitness experts, former Olympic medalists, and all manner of athletes have produced exercise videos for private home use.

Outside of taking a walk down the block, nothing could be simpler than popping a video or DVD into the player and following the leader on the screen.

Take a look at the benefits:

1) Videos are very inexpensive. From zero dollars to 40 dollars at most. Try these sources:

-- Your local library

-- Rent from a video store

-- Check out the half priced book store

-- Buy on eBay

-- Buy used from Amazon.com

2) You can tailor the level or style of the program. You can find all levels and styles of exercise programs from mild stretching and yoga, to high-energy kick boxing and martial arts style.

3) No pricy gym or club memberships needed. While you may like a club's offerings or maybe the socializing, for many people they just don't work out.

4) Fancy designer outfits are not required. You can wear your old sweats or whatever feels comfortable. At a gym you may feel pressured into expanding your workout wardrobe.

5) You can follow videos in the privacy of your home. Practice as much as you need to--no one is watching! This is important for people who have a lot of weight to lose. Clubs are full of people who are already in shape.

6) Exercise videos fit into your schedule--you don't have to conform to the club's schedule. Want to work out at 5:00 a.m.? No problem.

7) No travel time. If you spend 20 minutes getting there and 20 minutes coming home, you are wasting a lot of time in the car.

8) Equipment is not needed, unless you want some. Some video programs use simple stretching ropes or dumb bell weights, but you certainly won't have to invest in any hydraulic equipment.

9) It's easy to vary your routine if you get bored. Start simple, then advance to a tougher program. Switch from dance style exercise to kick boxing to yoga, just for the low cost of a video.

10) You have the option to form a group if you want to. Is your church basement empty? Or maybe you have a large patio where friends could work out together. Then enjoy a low-calorie lunch afterward.

Exercise videos bring the studio and trainer to your home. Get started today!

Looking for diet and weight loss tips? Kathy Ferneau has created an excellent
resource for information on diets, healthy eating, and exercise.
Click here ==>http://www.lose-weight-diets.com

Get a free smoothie recipe e-book just for visiting!


Check out Kathy's blog ==>http://www.lose-weight-diets.com/lose-weight-diets-news.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathy_Ferneau

An Effective Exercise Routine for Beginners

An Effective Exercise Routine for Beginners
By Jim O'Neill

Let's start with this very important rule: NEVER OVERDO THE FIRST FEW SESSIONS. Many beginners to exercising fall for this trap, especially when they do not have qualified trainers with them. They get overly excited and lose patience. They try to produce in two weeks what often takes years to accomplish.

They begin by going all out right from the start doing as much as they can. The next day, their joints and muscles lock up in pain. Then, they get discouraged, stop exercising for a while and give it up altogether. Workouts should start out smooth and easy.

Here is a warm-up routine to do 1 set of before every workout, but doing 3 sets of these alone can be a pretty good workout; particularly if you are a beginner.


Lean over deeply on your left foot while your right leg is stretched out to your right side. Maintain balance.
Slowly, raise yourself with your left leg to a standing position.
As you stand, spread your feet wide apart.
Repeat this for ten counts.
Do steps 1 to 4 again; this time, alternate the legs' position (left becomes right, and vice-versa).
This exercise warms up your legs, calves, and abdomen.


Stand erect, chest out, with your buttocks protruding and your stomach in. Put your hands straight out in front of you. Relax.
Do squats by bending your legs to lower your body. Bend your legs until your upper legs (thighs) are parallel to the ground and you are in a squatting position. Keep your body erect as you squat.
Then raise yourself as you straighten your legs back to a standing position.
Do around 5 to 10 squats. Inhale deeply as you go down. Exhale as you stand up.
This exercise warms up your leg muscles, calves, and the muscles in your abdomen.


Stand with your feet about 3 feet apart. Relax.
Place your hands behind your head with your elbows out to the sides.
Very slowly, twist your body to your right without moving your legs or feet. Try to twist to your right as far as possible. Your face and body should be facing your right side while your legs remain steady. Then hold on to this position for 10 seconds.
Do the same to your left side.
This exercise warms up your legs, back muscles, and abdomen.


Stretch out your arms to your sides. Keep them level with your shoulders.
Simultaneously rotate both arms to the front. Do this 20 times each rotation.
This exercises your shoulders, arms, and back muscles.


Bring your right and left palms together. Have all fingers and palms pressing each other in front of you while pointing the fingers upwards.
Simultaneously push one palm against the other as hard as you can. Keep pushing for 5 seconds. Relax. Then push again for 5 seconds.
Do this ten times. Exhale as you push, and inhale as you relax.
Then press both palms in front of you while having their fingers pointing in different directions one set of fingers pointing to your left, the other set to your right. If your left fingers point to the right, your left hand should be under your right hand.
Push both palms against each other, the left palm pushing upwards, the right palm pushing downwards.
Exhale as you push, and inhale as you relax. Do this ten times. Then change the positions of your palms (left over right) and do the same procedures.
This exercises your forearms, arms, shoulders, and latissimus muscles (the muscles at the sides that give your body a V shape).


Gently move your head to your right side while your right hand gently pushes back against it. Do this once.
Gently move your head to your left side as your left hand gently pushes back against it. Do this once.
Gently move your head backwards as your left or right hand gently pushes back against it. Do this once.
Gently bow your head to the front as your right or left hand gently pushes against your forehead. Do this once.
This exercise strengthens your neck muscles. Never do neck rotations.


Do slow push-ups from 10 to 15 counts.
This exercises your arms, chest, shoulders, part of your abdomen, and part of your back muscles.


Jog in place for 3 minutes.
Then jog in place a lot faster for 2 minutes.
Then jog in place with a normal pace for another 3 minutes.
This exercise gives you a good leg and calf warm-up. This also serves as aerobics for your lungs and heart.

There! That ought to do it. After doing the above warm up exercises for some time, you should be ready start doing regular weight training and cardio workouts. Then just do 1 set of these exercises to properly warm up before you start each workout.

Jim O'Neill gives you tons of valuable information on the subjects of weight loss, fitness, and nutrition to make it easy for you to live a healthy lifestyle. Sign up now for his free 7 part mini e-course at: http://www.mrgymfitness.com/minicourse.php

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_O'Neill

Sunday, June 04, 2006

A Scale With a Body Fat Monitor Weighs In as the Best Kind to Have

A Scale With a Body Fat Monitor Weighs In as the Best Kind to Have
By Anne Clarke

Those on the long road to weight loss have often used a weighing scale as their guide. After all, their main goal is to lose weight. But a scale weighs every bit of you – your fat, bones, muscle, what you just ate or drank – and ultimately, the number that appears on your weighing scale is not the most important number.

A more important number – a number that means more in terms of overall health – is your percent body fat. As most of us have heard, muscle indeed weighs more than fat. A regular scale may show a person that he has remained the same weight after weeks of working out, and this can be very upsetting and slightly askewed news.

A weighing scale with a body fat monitor, on the other hand, may show that same person that although he is the same size, his percent body fat has gone down! His muscle has replaced his fat, and this is even better than losing weight.

These days, anyone who is interested in weight loss practically needs to be a mathematician. There are just so many numbers to deal with – calorie counting, grams of fat in food, weight, percent body fat, hours of exercise, etc. One of the most important numbers, though, is the percent body fat. Luckily, these days, people can check out their percent body fat from the comfort of their own homes, at the same time they are weighing themselves.

The newest and best sort of scale to have today is one with a body fat monitor. An even better weighing scale to have is one with a body water monitor, too – many people are mildly to moderately dehydrated these days, and they do not even know it. A body water monitor can help them keep on top of hydration, thereby improving their overall health.

So, how does a scale measure your body fat and water levels? Bioelectrical Impedance (BIA). A person stands on the foot pads of his scale, barefoot. A low-level electrical signal is passed up through one foot, and exits through the other foot. The BIA scale measures the resistance of this electrical signal as it travels through the person’s body.

Water conducts electricity, and fat contains very little water. Muscle, on the other hand, is around 70% water. Therefore, the faster the signal travels through your body, the more muscle you have.

The BIA scale is not the most accurate fat-measuring device (it has a 4% margin of error), but it is accurate enough for most people, and it is very easy to use. The results of a BIA scale can be affected by simple things like your hydration, the food you’ve eaten, and even your skin temperature. Weigh yourself after drinking a glass of water – your percent body fat shows as higher if you are dehydrated.

So, if you are looking to lose weight, consider trying to lose body fat instead, and keep track of it on a scale with a body fat monitor.

Note: It is recommended that anyone who has and internal electronic medical device like a pacemaker should not use the fat reading feature of one of these scales

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, nutrition, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on weighing scales, please visit Digital Scales.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anne_Clarke

Food Journals: A Quick and Easy Solution for Weight Loss and Better Nutrition

Food Journals: A Quick and Easy Solution for Weight Loss and Better Nutrition
By Jennifer Wetmore

One tried and true method for producing weight loss is keeping a food journal. Multiple studies have shown that people who keep track of what they eat lose more weight and are more likely to keep it off permanently. There are several reasons why this works.

First, and foremost, you become accountable for what you put in your mouth. Think of it as a scorecard of your performance. We have all heard the expression, "numbers don’t lie." When golfers hit the links with a scorecard, they tend to be infinitely more truthful about their game. Keeping a truthful record of your daily food intake provides you with an undeniable scorecard of your performance.

Second, it is virtually impossible for most people to keep a mental tally of everything they eat in a day including calorie values. An old Chinese proverb states, "The palest ink is stronger than the strongest mind." Take advantage of the power of the pen and write it down as soon as you eat it and keep a running tally. You will be less likely to overeat and consume more calories than you can burn.

Third, it can assist you in finding your trouble spots. Look for trends in your performance. Are you likely to eat more at night? On the weekend? When you are with certain people? Remember, a problem well-defined is 95% solved. If you do not know where you are having trouble, you can’t pinpoint the problem or fix it.

Consistency is the key. Try recording everything you eat for 30 days. For the most effective results, do not skip any days. Make sure to record everything you eat in accurate amounts. You may find that you need to measure foods at first to get a good idea of your portion sizes.

Your food journal can be as simple or as complex as you wish. You may choose to track only your calorie intake or the number of servings of fruits and vegetables you consume. Or you may be inclined to keep track of the times you eat and, if necessary, with whom you are eating. You might also choose to record the grams of fat, cholesterol or carbohydrates consumed along with fiber content. There are many books and resources available to help you find out the nutritional content of any food.

This technique will only take a few minutes out of your day. Ideally, you will see the results on your scale and how your clothes fit within a few days. At the very least you will have valuable information about your dietary habits, with which you can take action and produce the changes you desire.

copyright 2006 Jennifer D. Wetmore, DPT

Jennifer D. Wetmore, DPT has been involved in the field of Health and Fitness for over a decade, working with a range of clients and patients from health clubs to hospitals in positions such as group fitness instructor, personal trainer and physical therapist. Dr. Wetmore is president of LifeHealth Physical Therapy and author of "Small Changes, Big Results: The Health and Fitness Manual With the Secrets To Working Smarter, Not Harder." Please visit http://www.LifeHealthPT.com for more information and tools to help you achieve a healthy and fit life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Wetmore


C is for haveing Courage to take on tasks that "They" said you couldn't do

O is for having your own sense of style, and forgetting what "They" say

N is for ...

F is for financial stability, which we should all strive for, regardless of
what "They" tell you

I is for Independence, the ability to stand on your own, no matter what "They"

D is for Distinguished, what you will be as you rise above the rest

E is for Esteem, which you will build in your self as you continue to do great

N is for having the Nerve to speak up when something is not right

C is for being creative in how you do things, and the way you say things

E is for having the Endurance to keep going, regardless of how you feel

Saturday, June 03, 2006

K.I.S.S. To Lose Weight

by BodyLikeBeyonce

I have scoured the web doing weight loss research and I have found various tidbits of information to be helpful. Here's a list:

1) Research shows that calcium helps to curb cravings.

2) Diet and exercise is the key to weight loss, so watch what you eat,
and get up off that thang and move it.

3) The key to having nice abs is to get rid of the layer of fat on top of them
by doing cardio exercise.

4) You actually can eat what you want and still lose weight. The key is moderation.

5) Healthy weight loss takes time, so be patient.

6) Cheating on your diet is good. Pick 1 day of the week, but don't over do it and wreck several days of hard work.

7) Out of sight, out of mind. Keep the junk food out of sight.

8) Taking rest days is essential, but no more than 48 hours. That way
the positive effects of your workouts do not wear off.

9) Find your motivation for losing weight so that when your willpower starts
to stagger, your motivation factor will get you focused and back on track.

10) There will be times when you will give in to the junkfood, or give in to
over eating. The important thing is that you dust your self off and try again.

11) Emotional eater? I personally suggest a food journal. By HONESTLY
keeping track of what you eat, it helps you to discover trends in
your eating pattern,which allows you to make the necessary adjustments
in your diet.

12) Start a weight loss blog on Myspace and invite others to subscribe.
Put all your business out on Front Street, and in the process, meet interesting people who have the same goals and interests as you do.

and finally...

13) Keep It Simple Sweetie

Foods That Cause Cravings

Foods That Cause Cravings
by Patricia Zelkovsky

When you are on a diet, cravings are sure to strike. The three most common cravings are cravings for sugar, fat and salt.

Sugar is considered by many diet experts to be an addiction as dangerous as nicotine or even heroin. There is nothing that gives us a bigger lift than a shot of sugar. However sugar exhausts the pancreas, is often followed by a crash in blood sugar levels and can lead to diabetes and other serious disorders.

An addiction for sugar usually has its roots in issues to do with stress and emotions. Many individuals find sweet foods, and particularly chocolate to be extremely comforting. The only problem is that the root cause of the stress or emotional problem that is causing you to "turn to sugar" to solve your problems is not addressed then you will probably always be addicted to it.

If you crave sugar there are some foods that are not sweets and cakes that can help you circumvent the body's addiction to it.

For instance the Jerusalem artichoke is a vegetable that is thought to regulate the body's blood sugar balance. Vegetables such as sweet potatoes and yams can help satisfy the craving for creamy or milky sweets. However if you do crave sugar the best thing to do is reach for a piece of fruit, which will definitely have fewer calories than a slab of cake.

Some people who crave ice cream or rich products actually have a calcium deficiency. The same thing goes for people who crave a great deal of cheese, which of course can add pounds to a body in no time. To make sure that your cravings for ice cream or cheese are not based on a calcium deficiency it is a great idea to take calcium supplements, eat plenty of broccoli or Swiss chard and drink low fat skim milk.

If you are craving fat, you probably have a bit of an oral fixation. The craving for fatty foods is quite primal and has more to do with a phenomenon called "mouth feel." Foods that are warm and fatty take us back to the cavemen days when biting into freshly killed meat and drinking the blood was common.

Cravings for fatty foods are commonly found in emotionally insecure individuals who need to express their anger by biting into something warm and fatty in texture. Psychologists call this "eating your anger."

If you are craving sodium then you may need to eat a more balanced diet that includes more vegetables. Vegetables are a natural form of salt. A good substitute for high sodium dishes is sushi as the seaweed that wraps the raw fish is filled with healthy amounts of sea salt.

Drinking too much coffee or alcohol can also cause cravings for sodium. This can cause a shortage of sodium in the blood.

Many cravings have no biological basis at all and are "all in the head." The trick is to realize that a positive association with a food is not necessarily a reason to continually binge on it whenever you feel blue.

About the Author
Hoodia Zaps Cravings & Hunger Quickly. personally use. Try the Hoodia that I personally use. Visit http://www.BestHoodiaGordonii.com

Friday, June 02, 2006

Eating...Gaining...How to Control the Urge to Splurge

Eating ... Gaining Weight ...
How to Control the Urge to Splurge
Keith Londrie

I confess: I'm completely addicted to Pringles. My determination
weakens every time I think about munching into one, hearing the
crunch, and getting that first taste of its yummy flavor. Pure
heaven. Although you don't flip over chips, probably there's
another food that lures you into the refrigerator or the pantry
cabinet. According to one study, 97% of women (compared to 68%
of men) experience cravings on food.

How do you control these urges that drag you in an intoxicated
shape away from your diet plan and down into the swirling vortex
of pleasure? I researched on the topic to give you expert advice
on how to enjoy that art called eating without turning in into a
feeding frenzy. Read on - and never again feel guilty about
eating a chocolate chip cookie.

Take Charge of Your Eating Habits.

Try to control the number of food cravings you experience. It
appears to be impossible for humans like us, but if you psyche
yourself and develop fewer cravings, then slowly you'll submit
to fewer cravings.

According to one study of nearly 500 women, researchers found
that women who received a daily 1, 200 milligram calcium
supplement reduced their number of premenstrual food cravings
by 54%. To reach the same result by getting the needed calcium
intake from food, rely on skim milk and yogurt. Sounds a bit
difficult for all lactose intolerant? Try some calcium-fortified
foods or juices like cheese and calcium-filled orange juices.
If you don't feel you can get sufficient calcium from food, make
up the difference using a supplement of calcium carbonate or
calcium citrate.

How about something relaxing? When you're anxious, the body
produces more of the hormone cortisol, which may increase the
amount of carbohydrates you want to eat. Sweets or carbohydrates
temporarily increase our levels of serotonin, making us feel
calm and relaxed.

Thus, one way of helping curb your sweet tooth, rent some videos,
text your funniest friends, or schedule a spa weekend. Why not
have a bit of chocolate once in a while? When you begin including
small amounts of these forbidden foods into your diet, a funny
thing happens: You don't crave them anymore.

Distinguish specific cravings from hunger. Suppose you drive by a
fast food outlet and all of a sudden, you develop a deep craving
for French fries. Rather than rushing down the drive thru section,
reassess your urge. Turn on your favorite music and switch your
attention away from the fries idea. Suppose, on the other hand,
you feel the need to satisfy not the urge but your hunger, select
an apple pie or salad as a substitute.

Cut Hundreds of Calories.

Sure you can cut on hundreds of calories on what you eat every
day! How? By making the appropriate choices on replacing
high-calorie to low-calorie foods, such as cheese, creams, whole
milk, butter, etc. Here are easy tricks to keep you cooking and
eating minus the calories.

· When cooking, use nonstick pan to eliminate the use of butter
and/or oil.
· Remove the fat from the meat.
· Remove the skin of chicken before serving.
· Use butter-flavored seasoning on vegetables instead of
sprinkling butter.
· For casseroles, desserts and sauces, use evaporated skim milk
(12 cal./tbsp.) instead of heavy cream (51 cal./tbsp.)
· Cook stews and other casseroles ahead of time. Refrigerate.
Remove congealed fat before serving.
· Choose real orange (71 cal.) over an orange juice (90 cal./6 oz).
· For snacks, low-calorie fruits (cucumbers, asparagus, carrots,
apples, pickles) are good replacements for crackers and breads.
· Use bottled chocolate extract for milk shakes instead of
sweetened cocoa.
· Use two egg whites (34 cal.) for cakes instead of one egg
(82 cal.).
· Choose diet margarine (50 cal.) instead of the regular
margarine (100 cal.).
· Choose cereals with the least calories then add fresh fruits
to be more nutritious.
· In parties, good substitutes for snacks are carrot strips,
pickle slices, and raw mushroom caps.
· Drip away fats by cooking hamburgers on the rack.
· Avoid chips with dips.

Staying in healthy shape depends on the right attitude. So how
strong is your will power to control the urge?

Keith Londrie II has been selling ebooks online since 1996 and now offers an
Extensive line of products. "Obesity Terminator" is a best seller and is
Priced at a discounted price for a limited time only. Please visit
See http://keithlondrie.com for the complete line of products! New Products
added daily!

Beyonce's Performance Today at the Walmart Stockholder's Meeting in Fayetteville Arkansas

I just finisthed watching and it was a fantastic performance. I hope to see her live and in living color one day.

Click here to check it out (Press the stop buttton on the video above before you click here ;-)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

You Got 10 Minutes?

Here is a 10 minute workout you can do right now! Do you have 10 minutes?

Do each move for one minute and hold the last rep for as long as you can.

Lie on floor, legs extended at a 45-degree angle. Bring bent left knee toward chest, reaching right elbow toward it. Alternate right and left knees.
Lie on back, knees bent, hands behind head, elbows out. With feet on floor, curl up, aiming right shoulder at left knee.
Lie facedown. Support your weight on toes and forearms. Keep elbows directly beneath shoulders and body straight.

Beyonce's Secret to Keeping off unwanted Pounds

Beyonce tries to eat mostly chicken and vegetables and avoids most carbs. Once in a while, she'll sneak in her favorite treats – fries and popcorn shrimp. To keep her curvy body bootylicious, she "runs for miles and miles" on a treadmill or outside, says Destiny's Child pal Kelly Rowland.

Source: people.aol.com

Lose Weight While Becoming a Wellness Coach

Im considering taking the course below because since I started losing weight, I have found great joy in motivating others to do the same.