Monday, June 05, 2006

From 181 lbs to 165 lbs and Still Counting~~Want To Know How I'm doing It?

Start Weight 181 lbs

Current Weight 165 lbs

It's very simple. I use the online food journal on There, I record EVERYTHING that I eat. It helps me to monitor my caloric as well as my nutrient intake, and it helps me to notice trends in my eating pattern and make adjustments in my diet should things go awry. I also do Tae Bo, the fat blasting cardio series, and I have a cheat day once a week. Don't get me wrong, I have had some setbacks during the course of my weight loss. like for instance, the Saturday before Memorial Day, I pigged out on some chocolate chip cookies, among other things. And then there was a time when my weight stayed the same for 2 weeks. I didn't give up though. I kept doing my thing and the weight is still coming off. I started my little program around the last part of March at 181 lbs, and here I am today, 16 lbs lighter. I feel good, and my clothes are fitting more loose. My goal weight at this point is 150 lbs, but Im considering 140 depending How I look at 150. I plan to have some professional pictures made after I get down to size. I'll be sure to post them here. If you would like to join a group of like minded females who are trying to lose weight, then join my group on

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